APPSC Group 3 (Panchayat Secretary) Exam Syllabus Details: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission’s (APPSC) Group-3 (Panchayat Secretary) Exam Syllabus (Degree Standard) details are given below…
Syllabus of the Written Examination:
Screening Test: (150 Questions – 150 Marks)
Part A – General Studies & Mental ability (75 Questions – 75 Marks)
1. Events of national and international importance.
2. Current affairs- international, national and regional.
3. General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and information Technology.
4. Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
5. Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
6. Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
7. Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
8. Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
9. Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection.
10. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
11. Data Analysis:
a) Tabulation of data
b) Visual representation of data
c) Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
12. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/problems.
Part B – Rural Development and Problems in Rural Areas with special reference to Andhra Pradesh (75 Questions – 75 Marks)
1. Evolution of Panchayat Raj system in India including Constitutional amendments and reports of Various Committees.
2. Evolution of Panchayat Raj system in Andhra Pradesh.
3. Roles and responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary.
4. Rural Sociology: History and Evolution of schemes catering to upliftment of Rural Poor.
5. Flagship Rural Development schemes of Rural Development Department of Government of India and Andhra Pradesh.
6. Key Schemes of Panchayat Raj Department of A.P.
7. Rural Economy of Andhra Pradesh: Agriculture, Small scale Industries, Rural artisans.
8. Rural Credit Scenario of Andhra Pradesh: Role of Banks, co-operatives and Micro Finance.
9. Community Based Organizations and convergence of Welfare Schemes.
10. Women Empowerment and Economic development through Self Help Groups.
11. Revenue and Expenditure Management of Local Bodies.
12. Accounting and administering funds received under various schemes.
Syllabus for Mains Exam:
Paper I – General Studies & Mental Ability: (150 Questions – 150 Marks)
1. Events of national and international importance.
2. Current affairs- international, national and regional.
3. General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and information Technology.
4. Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
5. Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
6. Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
7. Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
8. Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
9. Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
10. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
11. Data Analysis:
a) Tabulation of data
b) Visual representation of data
c) Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
12. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/problems.
Paper II – Rural Development and Problems in Rural Areas with special reference to Andhra Pradesh: (150 Questions – 150 Marks)
1. Evolution of Panchayat Raj system in India including Constitutional amendments and reports of Various Committees.
2. Evolution of Panchayat Raj system in Andhra Pradesh
3. Roles and responsibilities of Panchayat Secretary
4. Rural Sociology: History and Evolution of schemes catering to upliftment of Rural Poor
5. Flagship Rural Development schemes of Rural Development Department of Government of India and Andhra Pradesh
6. Key Schemes of Panchayat Raj Department of A.P
7. Rural Economy of Andhra Pradesh: Agriculture, Small scale Industries, Rural artisans
8. Rural Credit Scenario of Andhra Pradesh: Role of Banks, co-operatives and Micro Finance
9. Community Based Organizations and convergence of Welfare Schemes
10. Women Empowerment and Economic development through Self Help Groups
11. Revenue and Expenditure Management of Local Bodies
12. Accounting and administering funds received under various schemes.